Are Your Dreams Waiting For YOU To Come True?
Last month, I had the pleasure of being a presenter at the “Women’s Spiritual Wealth Weekend” where I had the opportunity to share the stage with amazing femmepreneurs like Sage Lavine, Sharla Jacobs, Rev. Deborah Johnson and Laura Haykel. It was such an honor to share my passion and gift with 150 women and help them get clarity about their Divine Ideal Client and Market Niche so they could create messaging that truly resonated with the clients they wanted to attract.
Throughout the weekend, I witnessed women having major “Ah-Ha’s” about how fear has stopped them from stepping into their true calling. Fear of Failure and Fear of Success; Fear of Rejection; Fear of Being Seen; Fear that money will change them; and the list continues on. It was phenomenal to see the courage growing within these women right before my eyes. Really starting to own their desires in a new way. Fears diminished but, newsflash, they didn’t disappear. What really shifted was their determination and courage. I have always said that courage is not the absence of fear, but having the fear and doing it anyway because what is on the other side of the fear is MORE IMPORTANT. If you are letting your fears stop you, I’d encourage you to get introspective. Am I truly connected with my dreams? Am I clear about what it is I deeply desire? What do I long for, more than anything? Do I have the support of my coach, my friends and/or my community to remind me who I really am when my saboteurs take the wheel?
One of my Courageous Leap Participants (The Speakers’ Series I did in February and March with 1350 participants) was at the weekend event and she said “Wow – you made that look so easy. You are fearless!” Boy, did that make me laugh! 1) It wasn’t easy. It was one of the most challenging (and rewarding) endeavors I’ve ever taken on. It may have looked seamless on the surface, but I was working harder than I ever have in my life. Luckily, I was learning a ton and really enjoyed the process. AND I know next time, it will be more ease-ful! 2) I was not fearless. I had a lot of fears about the event and they cropped up on a daily basis, but I had great support (which was paramount) to remind me who I really was when I was doubting myself AND I knew that my dreams were bigger and more powerful than my fears. What I was creating and the impact it would have was far more important than the fears.
This had me reflect – some of the people I admire make it look easy and seem fearless. I actually talked to a few of my mentors about this idea since the event, and they laughed just as hardily. One of them said “I put my pants on in the morning just like everyone else does – one leg at a time.” How many times have you made up that other people can make their dreams come true because they are smarter, better, fearless, more talented, etc. than you? It is simply not true. We all came into these bodies with our unique gifts and talents, and the world is longing for you to share them and use them. (Not someone like you, but YOU).
Reverend Deborah Johnson said at the event “You are not waiting for your dreams to come true. Your dreams are waiting for YOU to come true.” That just gave me goosebumps even writing that. What if your dreams wanted you to come true even more than you wanted them to come true? What if the world was waiting for you?
Think of some of the people you admire that have done some amazing things in the world, your community or even your family. What if they had let their fear stop them? Give thanks to all those in the world that courageously lept into their dreams so our world could be a better place. Imagine the world if we all courageously lept into our dreams. What would be possible for you, your family, your loved ones, your community, our world?
Remember, your dreams are waiting for you to come true. Don’t leave them waiting!
it’s sad but true that we live in the world that fear and money rule our lives, most of the time fear is good but there are times that it kills our way to good/better future
Like any emotion, fear has its place. I read a book once called The Gift of Fear that was amazing. It talked about how we can override our fear when we shouldn’t. With that said, we override our desires and dreams often because of self limiting beliefs and fears, thanks to our inner saboteurs who often take the wheel, it takes intention and awareness to move past the fear in these situations.