What are You Thankful For?
At this time of Thanksgiving, it is only natural to think about the attitude of gratitude. I’ve learned a ton about gratitude from one of my peer coaches, Laura Haykel (check out her upcoming TedX talk on Thursday by clicking here ). Like any entrepreneur, Laura has days where things don’t go her way and when best laid plans go sideways. But what is truly special and magnificent to witness in her is her ability to express true gratitude for every part of her journey. If challenge is her “in” breathe, gratitude is her “out” breathe. It is seemingly that natural to her. And it is no surprise to me that people are drawn to her like bees to the hive. People just want to be around her infectious, loving, gracious energy (including me, clearly!). She is one of the few people I know personally that continually walks her talk when it comes to gratitude. Although I am very intentional when it comes to gratitude, when things don’t go my way I still need to think about it and take conscious action to be grateful. I feel a thousand times better when I do and I recover pretty quickly, and for that, I am grateful. My spiritual practice around gratitude has made me a far more joyous person and I know that it has also effected my ability to attract great clients and partners in my life. I love having Laura in my life to remind me the beauty and strength of gratitude in action.
Here are 6 ways to adopt an attitude of gratitude in your life:
1) Keep a Gratitude Journal and each evening before bed write down 5 things you are grateful for
2) When something goes sideways and you are feeling anger/frustration/sadness, give yourself permission to feel what you are feeling and then ask yourself “what can I be grateful for in this situation?”. Notice if your feelings of anger/frustration/sadness dissipate.
3) Make a point to acknowledge the people in your life for their positive impact on you – even the little things. Make a point to thank your Assistant/Virtual Assistant, Web person, bookkeeper, designer for the difference they make in your business. Look for ways to acknowledge them genuinely and know that you probably made their day by doing so.
4) When doing yoga or meditation, focus on your breathe and inhale gratitude and exhale anything that keeps you from feeling gratitude.
5) Leave little love notes of gratitude for your family – in the lunch box, under the pillow, in their gym bag
6) At dinner on Thursday Night (Thanksgiving here in the USA), ask each one of your loved ones to share one thing they are truly thankful for.
As for me, I have so many things to be grateful for. Here are my top 5 for today:
1) I am grateful that I met the love of my life when I was 41 and had done a lot of personal work so that I could invite him lovingly into my life with open arms.
2) I am grateful that my kitty, Madison, is still thriving at age 16 and still sits in my lap any time I sit down on the couch. She is my biggest fan. She is sitting in my lap right now, purring softly.
3) I am grateful to have a tribe of the coolest people in the world who have chosen me to be their coach and mentor. I am grateful to be able to witness the transformations in them and their businesses every day.
4) I am grateful to be so healthy (I just had an exam for life insurance and I came back as “preferred” because my vitals are so good). I am blessed that I have a body that just allowed me to finish my 40 Days to a Personal Revolution Yoga and Meditation Challenge today! I am stronger than I thought I was.
5) I am so grateful to live in a country where I have freedom and choice and that living a joyous and prosperous life is so possible.
I would love to hear what you are grateful for. Please share! And tell me what you will do in your life and business to bring more gratitude into it on a regular basis.
With greatest appreciation,
Tara, I’m grateful for people like you who look for the positive, rather than ranting about their imperfect life, government, whatever. I’m convinced that the key to happiness is gratitude. I’m grateful for good health, people to love, and that I live in a place where, as a woman, I can speak up and make a difference. Thanks for sharing what you are grateful for.
Hi Laura
Thank-you! (I’m grateful for you, too!). I wholeheartedly believe that happiness is a choice and that gratitude is one the keys to true happiness and joy. I know it can shift my attitude and outlook on life in an instant.
I love what you are grateful for (I’m grateful for all that, too!). Kindred spirits, you and I!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey, Kathleen Turner,
I mean Tara,– but you still look like her.
Your article touched me as your work often does.
I’ve been reading your notes and am so happy yer hitched to a great (lucky) guy!
Terie and I are doing well, and she retired now. Speaking of thankful, have you seen a photo of our awesomely handsome Grandson Nash?
Reini & Mike really outdid themselves with that guy!
All the best to you and your’s,
Hi Mark!
Thank-you for the compliment (of looking like Kathleen Turner). She is one of my all time favorites!
So nice to hear from you! Nash is incredibly cute. I got to meet him in person back in August for the first time when I went to visit Seattle. Such a cutie! You (and the whole family) are so lucky!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Lovely MJ. Thanks for sharing!