Spring Planning
Spring has sprung here in Northern California! Everything is off the hook green and lush and I want to spend all day in my garden soaking it up. The energy of spring is taking over!
To me, spring is a metaphor for rebirth. In the winter we hunker down, hibernate a bit and stay cozy, so it is a bit ironic that so many people plan for their business in December and January, as it goes against our nature. But springtime is when new ideas abound! Things are sprouting and there’s a newness and regeneration in the air that everybody feels. It is the perfect time to create a juicy plan for your business.
During this refreshing and energetic time of year, it’s a good time to ask yourself, “What do I want to birth or re-birth in my business? What experience do I want to create this year? What is the impact I want to have?”
My guess is that when you ask yourself those questions, all sorts of ideas will come to mind. Write them down! But before you settle on an idea or two (or three), let it percolate. There’s no need to rush headlong into a new venture just because it feels fresh and new at this very moment.
In fact, the danger of this wonderful new spring energy is that people get so overwhelmed with new ideas that they don’t take action. They stay in the “shiny object” space and never implement, or worse yet, start a bunch of different things but never complete them. Sound familiar? Yes, I think we’ve all been there at one time or another!
So, let your best ideas simmer for a bit. Feel them out. Let the cream rise to the top. Then, when the time feels right, choose 2-3 things to get behind and put a stake in the ground.
I’d love to know what your plan is! Simply comment below to share your plan or your thoughts/feedback on this article. It makes my day to hear from you!
With Appreciation,
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