The 6 C’s to Savvy Strategic Alliances
Coaches are naturally drawn to collaboration.
Collaboration is part of the thread of our fabric. But as solopreneurs we don’t often get the opportunity to collaborate with peers every day the way we would if we worked in a traditional business environment.
Because of this, it’s natural for us to gravitate toward creating partnerships with other coaches to satiate that craving of working collaboratively. This deep desire motivates us to create collaborations that may feel really juicy but often at the end of the day, don’t provide a good ROI (Return On Investment) of your time, money and energy.
Trust me – I’ve been there! About 10 years ago I partnered with a coaching colleague who I adore. We put on a fabulous workshop that got rave reviews and made us about $250 each after expenses. Yikes! Certainly not a good ROI on the 50+ hours we put in to create it. (But, boy, we sure had fun). I share this story because I hear similar stories from coaches constantly. It pains me! Great intention, poor strategy.
So how can coaches create Savvy Strategic Alliances to scratch the collaboration itch, have a blast, and create an amazing return on investment of your time/money/energy?
Well, that’s a complex question to answer, but I’ve put together this video, called The 6 C’s of Savvy Strategic Alliances, to help you, out of the gate, focus on the 6 most important keys to building a profitable and fun partnership:
The 6 C’s are a filter for you when you’re meeting with a potential strategic alliance and figuring out if they would be a successful partner for you. These are 6 criteria that you must have in order to create savvy, profitable relationships that last.
If you’re interested in learning more about this, you can also listen to my interview on the Woman Entrepreneur Series; Strategies For A Successful Online Business interview series.
The bottom line is this: just because you love somebody and their work doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the right person to collaborate with. Use the 6 C’s to get very clear on where you should invest your time, energy and money to create strong, long lasting strategic alliances.
With appreciation,
Tara Butler Floch
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