Tara has made a huge difference in my business. I am 180 degrees from where I started
Before I starting working with Tara, I was spinning my wheels, not sure how to build my coaching business. I knew I was a good coach and I knew how to market, from my career in that field. But, I didn’t know which tools I needed to use or how to talk about myself as the product. I was also not “niched” down enough having three target markets, one of which I knew I didn’t want to work with any more.
Through the work I did in Tara’s program, I was able to pick one niche for my focus – Women Leaders who are looking to improve their effectiveness in male dominated environments. And through my research, it was clear what these clients needed to further their careers. So, I have created a comprehensive customized program to help women leaders master their current roles so they can reach the next level in their careers and make the most of their true talents.
Tara has made a huge difference in my business. I am 180 degrees from where I started and now have the confidence and a plan for where I am going. I have a marketing plan and have started to have some real success with it. I have learned so much about how to create a coaching business, the right way. My income is growing every month so I know I am on the right path. The beauty is that I didn’t have to figure that out by trial and error because Tara has the knowledge of what works. I feel like I know what to do now and I am doing it!